From manure management conditioners to animal health solutions, our growing line of elite products will maximize the efficiency of your farm or ranch.
Lagoon Products
Additives formulated for the fluidization of crust while reducing greenhouse and other polluting gas emissions.
SOP Lagoon is the only natural manure product proven to reduce operational dairy and beef expenses while simultaneously suppressing the release of ammonia, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and odors. Developed with advanced SOP Inside technology, SOP Lagoon metabolizes nutrients found in animal waste by activating bio-valorization. This process fluidifies waste solids, reducing the need for agitation and bolstering its fertilization properties.
SOP Pig Lagoon Activator stimulates the treatment of large quantities of pig manure in lagoons or receiving pits. The soluble additive should be used in combination with SOP Pig Lagoon for the first four weeks of manure activation to maximize nutrient retention and spreadability.
Animal Health Products
Supplements and operational treatments that fortify animal hygiene and environmental conditions, decreasing incidence of disease and bedding turnover.
™SOP is a trademark of SOP S.r.l. Società Benefit.